Lions Gate Portal 8/8

 The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. The name of course is associated with the sign Leo. The season is July 23-August 22 and is linked with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine. 8 is the number of Rebirth and if you turn it on it’s side it is the infinity symbol. Today we are reminded that we are infinite and boundless like the universe. The Earth, Sun, Sirius, and the Galactic Center are now moving to specific points in the sky this Leo season, opening the portal to the heavens. It is very normal to have felt exhausted unexpectedly these past few days leading up to this cosmic alignment. I have definitely felt it.. We feel like this because our DNA is getting repaired and upgraded, so it is very important that you stay hydrated! 💦 Sirius is knows as our “Spiritual Sun” and is known to be very advanced and is home of the purest love. Now is the time to open your heart chakras and embody this beautiful energy. Lions gate does open today but it was actually set in motion on July 4 when the energy of the Sun and Sirius align. The two stars are very far away but gazing into the sky they seem to have merged to one. The Sun fuses with Sirius’ energy in order to upgrade its frequency. For the remainder of July the ancients witnessed Sirius swallow the Sun and it was believed that it experienced a “death.” Then the heavenly body is reborn the first week of August, when the two stars rise again separate symbolizing rebirth and the opening of the portal. The 8th of August is considered the most auspicious because the Sun and The Earth align directly opposite each other. The high frequencies and consciousness codes being sent down are mostly received through the heart and third eye chakras! This is a great time to write down intentions you have for the rest of the year. Using “I am” and writing your manifestions down as if you have already received the blessings are important. It’s also good to write down how or just imagine how it would feel to attain whatever it is your heart desires! That’s the secret to the Law Of Attraction.  The stars are triggering harmonic alignment and balance between feminine and masculine energies within yourself. The Angels ask to trust in the universe and trust that we create what we put our mind to. Release fear and open your heart and mind to the auspicious frequencies of the day so that you can ascend into the new paradigm! ✨ Spread kindness in the world!



🌸 A mantra for today:

“I open my heart and open my soul. I am limitless and filled with pure love. I release fear and step into my divinity.” 


👁 Visualization:

Close your eyes in a relaxed position. Breathe in and out slowly and invision a golden light beginning to form in your heart. Allow it to expand filling all of your chakras, flowing out to your aura, then filling the room with the warmest brightest light. Take deeper breaths while you imagine the light reaching the whole world. Be reborn in the golden light of love and release all that restraints you. When you open your eyes take a moment to list things that you are grateful for and thank the universe. Gratitude is the fastest way to manifest more of what makes you happy. 


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