Tarot Card of The Day APRIL 13


*Knight of Cups*

“Wings for the soul”

The Knights helmet is winged, a symbol of the messenger. In this case, the message he brings is of love and good tidings. An actual person may be on the way to you with some useful information. In addition to the physical sources of information, the Knight of Cups can also represent wisdom that comes from your dreams and that helps you to surmount life’s obstacles. The Knight is very in touch with his emotions and intuition. Sensible and conscious beliefs go hand in hand with knowledge and awareness. Your present questions require you to have the courage to acknowledge your feelings and to be disciplined when you act on them.

Be open to exploring your passions and your grand ideas at this time. You may find that you have been drawn to a particular passion or hobby and now is the time to start using your immense creativity! 😄

Tarot Card of The Day APRIL 12


*Page of Pentacles*

“Testing Your Talents”

Sometimes called the card of the student or scholar, the Page of Pentacles shows one who is so intent on his lessons that he misses everything else going on around him. You have a wonderful opportunity to rediscover and reevaluate your practical skills at this time, so make sure that you aren’t neglecting important details. Ashes and Diamonds are made up of the same combination of chemicals but the different pressures they were exposed to in the earth brought about very different results. The same is true for your practical talents and skills. Certain stressful situations will help you develop new skills, while others will lose their importance. Do not run away from that which seems too difficult to overcome. By redefining what is essential and what is inconsequential, you are seizing your diamond! 💎