Tarot Card of The Day APRIL 19


✨V of Swords✨

“Resolving Fear”

This is a card of reconnecting mind with matter. Feelings of being insignificant are over, ground your awareness & make it fruitful. Be clear about what you know and accept or reject them. Knowledge without conscience is only half-knowledge. Fives are about changes, adjustment usually brought on by some sort of stress. The more you resist change, the harder you make things for yourself.

The 5 of Swords tells of a need to be aware of the negative aspects of your character that are surfacing and try to re-dress this by thinking and acting positively. Using positive affirmations in meditation or simply writing them in a journal daily will help you to feel more positive and assist you in manifesting what you desire. Be straightforward with what you want so that the universe can hear you.

Tarot Card of The Day APRIL 18


✨II of Cups✨

“True Love”

The 2 of Cups can make one feel strongly connected to others. All types of relationships benefit from this cards energy. The number two is a # of duality, balance, and receptivity. For the next few days interactions with others shall be running rather smoothly than usual. Harness this power of the cups and take advantage. The support of your peers is necessary for success. A caduceus symbol is shown in between the two vessels, relaying the message of the birth of partnerships. With balance between all parties, they all shall be substantially rewarding. Clear communication is vital to sustain them.