Tarot Card Of The Day MAY 29

​✨III of Pentacles✨

This is the card of the craftsman. A craftsman is someone who has already developed skill in a profession or trade. In the image, you can see a sculptor at work in a monastery. We all have untapped talents. Show what you’ve got and let you self be surprised by what others have to offer. “The sculptor puts nothing into the stone, he only frees the figure trapped inside by the burdens surrounding it.” You must remove yourself from anything toxic and get rid of unproductive habits to cultivate your unique powers. This is a card of nobility and aristocracy. You are planning/ conferring about a future action, such as a business venture.. anticipate a rise in prestige and earnings. You are finally reaping rewards from your hard work and study! 


Tarot Card Of The Day MAY 28

✨Knight Of Cups✨



Your emotions will feel like way too much today. Reversed, the Knight tends to let his feelings control his life too much. This card asks you to look at yourself and at how you are acting or realize that others may be acting solely on emotions and not utilizing and logic. Try not to let unpleasant people or situations get to you today. When too much water gains hold, the Knights armor begins to dissolve leaving him very vulnerable to outside energies. It it likely that you are dealing with creative and psychic blocks. Your inner voice is hard to hear today. Those of us who are involved with the world of spiritualism feel quite disconnected and can’t access certain messages from the universe. It’s important to take your time and double check your work when working on projects for the next couple of days. All of the murky water will dissipate in due time, be patient!