*VII of Wands*
“Hard work”
You have many energies at your disposal. Your job in this card is to use them and sharpen them. If you want to achieve something, you must get in touch with it. If you want to move something, you must take it into your hands. If you want to change something, you must try to understand it. The 7 of Wands is a card of courage and determination. It indicates that you are without a doubt willing to fight for what you believe in& will stand your ground! Profit and gain come only after you have firmly held off your competition or enemies. Take your will and use it like a measuring tape, allowing the tape to change and be redrawn. You are now discovering inner resources you hardly suspected you had. When you actively work with your will and with reality that confronts you, you will gain an invaluable advantage because you will know that desire & reality are no longer unbridgeable contradictions. If you are willing to be open so that you and your environment may grow, you will be reborn and manifest a beautiful environment where your skills are at a new level!
💓 xo