Tarot Card of The Day APRIL 7


*Queen of Swords*

"The Second Face"

This Queen, the female counterpart of the King of Swords, represents the intuitive and creative side of all mental processes. You are now in need of a wider perspective, crystal clear judgement, and a thorough overview. In this particular scene (Waite deck) we are shown a dense layer of clouds between heaven and earth. This is a sign of being one step removed from the unpleasantness and trivialities of everyday events, but it is also a sign of being somewhat remote. Reveal your intelligence, and utilize your profuse imagination to see things that others are totally unaware of. The Queen chooses to connect with the outside world using an intellectual understanding rather than your typical feminine emotional understanding. Without compromise or arrogance, discover your real needs and stand up for them. In the Waite cards illustration, the left side of the face symbolizing the unconscious, is hidden. The Crowley artwork points to the responsibility of removing the mask to reveal the real face. Be careful of being led astray by superimposed superego when making important decisions today and tomorrow.

May Peace be with you
