Tarot Card Of The Day
✨VIII of Cups
-for clarification runes
✨Ehwaz & Perthro
“go with the flow”
This is a card of rhythm. It’s quite possible you have been feeling off of the cosmic beat lately. The 8 of Cups implies that some plans have came to a halt, this can be it is time to move on from the idea fully or to a new perception/ new stance There is a need for balance in ones life. Cups represent emotions. “Indolence” is the title of the Crowley card, meaning causing little or no pain, being lazy in the sense of laziness, or having no feelings. It’s important to indulge in all of your emotions so that you are in tune with yourself. You are in a period of emotional cleansing at this time, and will emerge to all sorts of new possibilities if you are able to work through your emotions and stay focused on your goals. The eclipsed moon symbolizes a journey into the unknown and new beginnings. Positive changes within personal relationships will bring you to a higher frequency and bring forth divine harmony✨ You know what you want, and you won’t settle for less. A lesson that comes from this card is to follow signs, and your intuition. You are the emotional traveler dressed in red, it is time to go within and find the missing links.
👁Ehwaz literally means “horse”
Ehwaz symbolizes all the various bodies as vehicles for travel and movement. Twins represent the Sacred Marriage of the Inner and the Outer, or mind and body. Harmonious concord and pulling together as a team is also referenced.
👁Perthro’s meaning is cup or dice-cup/ fate. The vessel of Perthro represents fertility and mystery. The hand of fate through karma is appearing strongly in ones life.
To attempt to categorize change in simplistic terms of "positive" or "negative", is to attempt to understand fate itself: something no mortal can do. It is clear that now is a time to travel within and have faith in the universe. Resisting change this eclipse season will only delay your positive manifestations. Achieving harmony within your mind and with the world is your task.