Tarot Card of The Day JULY 24th




Strength related to the Pagan goddess “Lady of the Beasts” who possessed understanding of the ways of nature. In ancient times this goddess reigned supreme. Leo season just began on the 22nd & this card is also associated with Leo’s of course. The lion represents the instinctual world and passions. She who is called strength is the higher nature and liberation. At this time, compassion is called for. The divine feminine is always closer in touch with nature than masculine. We do not conquer our animal nature’s by brute forces, but by gentleness and feeling our way with the instinctive side.  You have came through hardships and still stand tall. Strength has walked upon the asp (Egyptian snake like a cobra) and the basilisk, a legendary European reptile reputed to be Serpent King, and the dragon (ones ego). The chain of flowers around the woman’s head represents the sweet yoke and the light of Divine law when taken in the hearts of hearts. Positive changes are to come and are blooming like the flowers! 🌸 Make sure your inner drives are in harmony with your outer needs. If with inner strength you are equipped to defeat a dragon/snake/cockerel monster Basilisk after conquering an asp & lion, Leo season will be a breeze if you have your inner dragon ego 🐉 in control and utilize the energies of the Lady of Beasts.